
Book Weher People Embody Dragons and They Use Martial Arts

Birth of the Dragon (2016) Poster

7 /10

Proficient Fight Scenes

Warning: Spoilers

I saw "Birth of the Dragon", starring-mostly Chinese actors, with 1 Caucasian thrown into the mix-Philip Ng-The Man From Macau, New Police Story; Yu Xia-Bull Brothers, Dragon Squad and Billy Magnussen-Span of Spies, Into the Woods.

I must admit, I am a big Bruce Lee fan. This is based loosely on an article written past Michael Dorgan chosen 'Bruce Lee's Toughest Fight'. When Bruce Lee get-go came to San Francisco in the early 1960'south-and before he became famous-there was a fight between him and a Shaolin Kung Fu monk that supposedly changed people's lives, both his and the monk'south. Bruce had opened a martial arts school and taught anyone that wanted to learn. Nearly of the Chinese martial artist did not similar Bruce teaching non-Asians and allow him know it-usually by getting into fights. Wong Jack Human was a Shaolin master that came to San Francisco for reasons of his own, but ended upward getting into the legendary fight with the up and coming Bruce Lee in an abandoned warehouse that merely about a dozen people witnessed. Philip plays Bruce and Yu plays Wong. Billy plays ane of Bruce'southward students-the lone Caucasian in the film- that is based loosely on 1 of Bruce's real life students, Steve McQueen. Here, he is called Steve McKee and in my opinion, he could have been left out of the movie-he had a side story that was not that interesting. The bodily fight is pretty good with both men getting some lumps besides as giving some-it wasn't lopsided in either man'south favor. Subsequently this fight, Bruce developed his own fighting style, Jeet Kune Do, which in itself is the forefather of mixed martial arts. It's rated "PG-13" for martial arts violence and language and has a running time of 1 hour & 43 minutes. I enjoyed the fight scenes and I would buy this one on DVD.

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1 /10

Misses the Marking

Information technology's been 23 years since the concluding major Hollywood biopic on Bruce Lee. While we're a full generation forward, the 20-odd twelvemonth interval wasn't sufficient to outlast the durable media biases that afflict how minorities, in this instance, Asian-Americans, are depicted.

Birth of the Dragon will pull in fans off the street by challenge to tell the story of Bruce Lee, an iconic figure in American history. However, they may be surprised to notice that the flick actually has very little to say about Lee. About his love life. Well-nigh who he is equally a human being. In fact, he is dealt with in such a stylized, mysterious manner -- and not as a full human being -- it's unclear the movie gives the viewer anything more he already knew. Instead, Lee'south primary purpose is to serve the white protagonist Steve McKnee in diverse ways.

First, the film gives short shrift to the bodily epic fight between Lee and his rival. We do not even know how that fight impacted Lee'due south life afterwards, what he learned from it, or how it changed his fighting style. Just nosotros practise know Lee went through all that problem, and the animating force behind it was that Lee's rival was confronting Caucasians like McKnee existence trained to fight. What's happening hither is that - this really isn't about Lee. It's more than nigh some graphic symbol nosotros've never heard of just somehow has the country'southward greatest martial arts fighter fighting on his behalf.

It doesn't end there. Lee, a role model for Americans, including Asian-Americans, is seen as flat. He is shown as without a romantic involvement. In contrast, McKnee has an Asian Girlfriend...and lo and behold he needs Lee to fight for him again to get the girlfriend back after she's abducted by "bad Asians". And Lee does.

I recollect nosotros came to watch Bruce Lee. Not Bruce Lee assistance some random fictional nobody on his mission to belong, and then his mission to get dorsum said nobody'due south girlfriend.

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1 /10

this pic seriously offends me

I wanted to throw my popcorn at the screen!! This is cash catch garbage, crock of due south***. The director has turned Bruce Lee into a caricature. This is spitting on the retention of Bruce Lee. As a loyal fan of Bruce Lee and as an Asian, this pic seriously offends me. ENOUGH! We in the Asian communities will make sure this film earns Goose egg dollars. The script is shockingly dull and absurd, the fight scenes aren't infrequent, the stunt guy who plays Bruce Lee captures zilch essence of Bruce Lee, his acting pure ham. The managing director should go back to writing to spare us further torture. ******** Nascence OF A DRAGON is Not sanctioned by the Lee family unit ********

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7 /x

"Nascency of the Dragon" is an entertaining slice of biopic fiction.

Like many famous people, the experiences of martial arts icon Bruce Lee before he became famous are not well-known, merely are crucial to understanding the person he became. The man the world came to know equally Bruce Lee was born Lee Jun-fatty in San Francisco on November 27, 1940, in the Chinese "Twelvemonth of the Dragon". His father was a Chinese opera star who was touring the U.S. at the time, but took his family unit dorsum to their native Hong Kong before long before Japan invaded. Later World War II ended, Lee's father resumed his earlier film career and Bruce began actualization on screen as a child histrion. As he continued making movies, Bruce also began learning Chinese martial arts, first from his father and then from the famous Wing Chun main instructor Yip Man. Bruce was getting into a lot of street fights, which he commonly won, but when he was 18, amid rumored threats to his life, his parents sent him to live with his older sister in San Francisco. Just months later, Lee moved to Seattle where he finished loftier school, went to college and began teaching martial arts, eventually opening his own studio. When he was 23, he moved to Oakland, California to alive with locally famous martial artist James Yimm Lee, with whom he opened his 2nd studio. Bruce himself became well-known throughout the Bay Area and across. He sought ways to increase the momentum of his martial arts career and to translate that into a show business career. He also began to evolve as a martial artist. This is the period of Bruce Lee's life that is chronicled (and fictionalized) in the 2017 martial arts action moving picture "Birth of the Dragon" (PG-13, one:43).

In 1964, Bruce Lee (Philip Ng) is a skilled and cocky master instructor running his own Bay Area martial arts studio. He also has some of his students appear in crude Kung Fu movies which Lee produces, directs, writes and stars in. Lee is a controversial effigy, both in fundamental California and fifty-fifty dorsum in Asia for his educational activity emphasis on "kicking ass" over spirituality, for turning Kung Fu into mass entertainment and (specially) for teaching Caucasians. 1 of those students is Steve McKee (Baton Magnussen, playing a fictionalized version of actor Steve McQueen, a real-life student of Lee's). Steve is a promising student, but increasingly has doubts about Lee'due south philosophy and whether Lee tin help him reach his potential.

And then Lee learns that a famous Chinese martial artist Wong Jack Human being (Yu Xia) is coming to San Francisco, but isn't certain why. He thinks it'due south because Wong wants to spy on him. Or perchance Wong wants to punish Lee for didactics Kung Fu to whites. Either style, Lee is unswayed and unafraid. Steve'southward attitude is different, however. He is intrigued by the new inflow and eventually gravitates to Wong and his more than spiritual approach to life – and Kung Fu – and tries to persuade the master to take him on as a student. Meanwhile, Steve becomes an intermediary between Lee and Wong, delivering messages betwixt the ii rivals as they claiming each other and then negotiate the terms of 1 decisive, high-stakes fight.

This is where the veracity of the film's story gets even murkier. The set-up for this battle royale involves a fictional immature Chinese woman named Xiulan (Jingjing Qu). She, every bit many others like her, was brought to the U.S. by a Chinese law-breaking lord called Auntie Flower (Jin Xing) who forces these girls into servitude – sometimes of the domestic diversity – and sometimes in ane of her "houses". Steve falls in love with Xiulan and wants to free her from her virtual slavery. Xiulan's fate becomes part of the motivation for the Lee-Wong friction match. Such a fight between the two men did actually take identify, but it happened indoors, it was non filmed and there were relatively few witnesses. Consequently, reports of the fight – from how long it lasted to who won – accept varied widely from the very beginning and remain a source of controversy to this day. The picture'southward portrayal of the fight is very entertaining and it does have sides in how information technology shows the fight playing out, but the actual fight sequence and its aftermath in the film's story tin only be viewed from the perspective of significant artistic license. Notwithstanding, one aspect of the fight'due south upshot does stand on its own claim. That beingness the significant impact the fight had on Lee's continuing ascent to fame and on his style every bit a martial creative person. No spoilers hither, merely y'all tin read all nearly information technology online.

"Nascency of the Dragon" is an entertaining piece of biopic fiction. Merely Flick Fans' reactions will depend on how they view the large amount of fictionalization in the story (including forcing that story into a recognizable Hollywood formula) – and what they think of how the climactic fight is portrayed. Based on Michael Dorgan's article, "Bruce Lee's Toughest Fight", screen writing partners (and Oscar nominees) Stephen J. Rivele and Christopher Wilkinson ("Nixon", "Ali", "Pawn Cede") and managing director George Nolfi ("The Adjustment Bureau") give usa an interesting version of actual events. Activeness movie and martial arts fans volition likely exist entertained, while dedicated Bruce Lee fans will probably be intrigued, if nothing else. (Although some volition find the emphasis on Steve McKee's character unnecessarily distracting). Through the pleasing efforts of the filmmakers, the serviceable interim of the supporting cast and the fairly strong performances of Phillip Ng, Yu Xia and Billy Rasmussen, Flick Fans get an unspectacular, merely enjoyable story which reveals at least some truths about the ascension of one of the greatest and nigh influential martial artists of all fourth dimension. "B+"

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two /ten

This 2016 Biopic is slow, aimless, and squanders its premise

I bought the tickets to this pic thinking it would exist a cool Bruce Lee biopic. Or failing that, at least a good action motion picture.

It turns out Birth of the Dragon was NEITHER, giving the focus instead to an obscure side graphic symbol, and declining to entertain on the activeness front.

Start, permit'south talk about the pacing. After slogging through the first one-half of the pic, we finally go to the fight that's been promised, which really turns out OK. Simply after that, we're dragged through a shoehorned side-plot about the side character's love life, which feels quite empty later on it's been resolved.

After leaving the theaters in disbelief that I really spent money on this movie, I looked on the internet for alternatives to scratch my action picture show itch.

Lo and behold, the 1993 biopic DRAGON: THE BRUCE LEE STORY was a MUCH better activity film, and a fantastic character study on the legend of a man we know today.

Overall, if you're looking for a biopic, skip this motion-picture show and sentry DRAGON: THE BRUCE LEE STORY instead. If you're looking for an action film, lookout literally Whatsoever OTHER movie than this one.

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8 /10

Highly underrated historical fiction

Warning: Spoilers

Later reading the poor reviews and negative press I had low expectations for this movie and was very surprised how enjoyable information technology was.

Birth of the Dragon is a fictional retelling of the real fight betwixt Bruce Lee and Wong Jack Man. Most of the story focuses on the lead upward to the big fight and the growing tension between Lee's "street" arroyo to Kung Fu and Wong'south "spiritual" approach. Eventually this leads to Lee challenging Wong to a no holds barred fight that is every bit much a fight against the pb character's inner selves and martial arts philosophies, as it is against each other. Ultimately the fight between Lee and Wong leads Lee to fundamentally re-evaluate his fighting style and shows him grow and mature as a person, and an instructor, into the man the world usually associates with Bruce Lee.

The story uses the fictional character of Steve McKee as a link between Lee and Wong, a pseudo narrator, and a catalyst for the movie's concluding act. McKee is often used as comic relief, utilizing a fish-out-of-h2o type of comedy as he struggles to understand Chinese martial arts civilization. Contrary to 1 of the film's more negative criticisms, McKee is at best a secondary graphic symbol to Lee and Wong, the every-man standing in the shadow of giants. This is amply demonstrated in the picture's final act where McKee rushes in to save his dear interest from the Triad and promptly gets his yous know what kicked. Fortunately for McKee, Lee and Wong go far to save the twenty-four hour period in what is one of the virtually satisfying conclusions to a martial arts picture in years.

Nativity of the Dragon does have it's faults. The film had a limited budget and this is sometimes credible in the set pieces and costumes.

This moving-picture show has received a surprising amount of negative criticism and negative reviews most of which appear to have been made by people who didn't actually lookout man the moving picture. Here are some problems with those criticisms.

ane. At that place is no "whitewashing" in this picture. Lee, Wong and many other characters are played past Asian actors. McKee is a fictional character. Tin can anyone actually indicate to a lease that was whitewashed?

2. The film is non anti-Asian. It portrays Lee and Wong as virtual supermen. Lee is initially portrayed as being "cocky" (something that has been said about the real Lee on multiple occasions), but he matures through the motion picture. Some people appear to consider this racist. This criticism completely ignores Wong, who is portrayed as the best/wisest/most ethical person in the film by far.

3. The motion-picture show focuses master on Lee and Wong, McKee's story is important simply serves as little more a vehicle to advance the narrative of Lee and Wong (and to provide more than fight scenes).

Please note that this moving picture is a work of fiction and does not closely reflect history. Hong Kong martial arts movies accept been doing this for years with both Bruce Lee, and his teacher, Ip Human (likewise every bit NUMEROUS other historical figures) and this motion-picture show's arroyo is similar to those.

All in all Birth of the Dragon was a surprisingly enjoyable motion picture. Viewers should ignore the nit-picking criticism and lookout man the film for what it is, a fun piece of historical fiction in the vein of Hong Kong martial arts movies.

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1 /10

This picture is what is wrong with Hollywood.

This movie is terrible. I was expecting a story about Bruce Lee but what got is a story focusing on unknown nobody. I don't believe Bruce Lee's fans would enjoy this picture considering information technology is insulting to Bruce Lee and his family and an exploitation of his proper noun for profit.

It is a shameful act by the writers and the directors of the picture show to utilize Bruce Lee's fame to dupe his worldwide fans into watching this slice of junk.

If I tin can give it 0 out of 10, I would; but unfortunately it'due south just have a rating scale of 1 to 10. Avoid this motion-picture show at all price if you lot're a Bruce Lee's fan.

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10 /10

I am Asian American - Why I LOVE this pic!!! (Why information technology'southward not ONE dimensionally all Bruce)

I have seen all of his movies. Yes, even "Dragon-The Bruce Lee Story." First, I am Not racist toward anyone because I am friends of all races! This is NOT racist toward Asians as MANY of you suppose because information technology'south from 3 people's angles!

Stop focusing on what is dividing this state today because this country is made up of EVERYBODY, and all colors.

Here are the 3 angles: This was a iii dimensional picture about how people grow (not literally) because of 3 main characters: #ane Steve - He went from "I learn Kung Fu to gain respect," (cocky) to "I am willing to die for someone else." (love others unconditionally). Personally, he was a stumbling, bumbling quirky guy with a quirky Asian friend (at that place were amusing parts to their characters.) #2 WJM - He learned from nearly killing someone to being able to have self control. Thus, he liberated himself from his tormented past. (Wouldn't it exist nice to learn from your past and be victorious when presented with a similar challenge?) #3 Bruce - He went from bragging all the time to learning some humility and maturity (fifty-fifty working together to form 2 heroes that saved many women'southward lives in the stop.) He learned how to liberate his own way and re-create himself and then he definitely grew into an even more than awesome martial artist and STAR.

What a powerful, inspiring life message for u.s.a. all! Give thanks YOU director for honoring these things: respect for one some other (WJM and Bruce), teamwork, living unselfishly, wisdom of Kung Fu, self-actualization. Asians win, Whites win. the beautiful Asian fine art of Kung Fun wins. Win - WIn.

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1 /10

A disrespectful appropriation of Bruce Lee

Hollywood is racist. This flick disrespects the legacy of Bruce Lee. I highly recommend everyone to boycott this movie. The picture serves to perpetuate negative stereotypes regarding Asian women, men, and the culture.

Information technology's perspective forces the viewer to indulge in racism against people of color. The racism is very subversive and is spread by more than but i movie. Movies like these are bountiful in Hollywood(denigrating Asian culture).

I noticed a very agonizing pattern in Hollywood. They do not want Asian men in the pb role fifty-fifty in their own biopic.

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x /ten

Review from someone who doesn't (currently) hate the Director

Warning: Spoilers

Some notes Before the review: It appears that a few people have posted reviews expressing their disinterest in the movie for various non-motion picture related reasons(Albeit justified or not). However in some of these reviews I can't understand some of the points fabricated specifically pertaining to the white person in the film that they portray equally the "atomic number 82" and the negative light the picture show apparently portrays Bruce Lee in. I did non find any negative light towards Bruce Lee, and I didn't get the feeling the white guy was the lead in the flick while watching it.

The movie shows a younger extremely talented Bruce Lee that possibly had one last thing to acquire from a Primary before making a notable adjustment into becoming his best self. I'k not sure if that was how he was in real life at the time or if this is an inaccurate portrayal. But information technology says in the Picture that Bruce did notably modify his fighting way after the event.

I didn't regret watching the moving picture. Would lookout man over again in a month or so with people people who haven't seen information technology.(Also if anyone cares to know Bruce Lee is truly an inspiration in my life and I honestly don't call up this movie shames him...)

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ane /10

Cold-shoulder !! Shameless money-hungry producers and director

I seriously wanted to puke past 2/3 of the film. Lee is the adversary here, portrayed as a trash-talking hooligan versus the wise and philosophical Wong Jack Man. The existent Bruce Lee was a philosopher with depth, not an egomaniac constantly looking to "kick ass'. It'southward terribly sad that even afterward his death, greedy slimy Hollywood producers still want to requite him and his family the shaft by bastardizing and disrespecting his legacy with this dumbed downward cash grab trash. The producers are badly trying to sell this slice of disgusting trash in the The states and in Asia. Please make your voice heard hither so the studios and distributors can encounter how fans of Bruce Lee experience near this film. We will boycott it! They must know we DON'T WANT TO SEE this moving picture on a screen large or small. We will cancel our Netflix subscription if they purchase this garbage. Listen, this film was fabricated WITHOUT Bruce Lee Foundation'southward approving. The Lee family didn't want it but the shameless coin-hungry producers (Michael London, Stephen J. Rivele, Christopher Wilkinson, Janice Williams, James Hong Pang, Leo Shi Immature) and manager (George Nolfi) went ahead anyway. Total boldness.

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one /ten

Bruce Lee daughter has spoken out against this pic !

I saw the moving picture and idea the film was tiresome and not well made at all. Worse yet, Bruce Lee is portrayed in such a disrespectful manner that information technology was embarrassing to watch. Please cold-shoulder this film when it comes out. We must not encourage Hollywood to turn out more films similar this. I am Asian but I won't support a moving-picture show simply because it has provided work for many Asian actors. We want roles that aren't insulting !!

Shannon Lee Responds To BIRTH OF THE DRAGON on Bruce Lee FB page. She Calls It A 'Travesty', 'Inaccurate' And 'Insulting'. "A great number of y'all have written to me with your concerns nearly Birth of the Dragon. I share your concerns and want to go far clear that Birth of the Dragon was made without my family'due south consent or involvement. I have seen the picture (out of necessity alone) and, in my opinion and the opinions of many (run across link), this motion picture is a travesty on many levels. I recall this picture is a step backward for Asians in film not to mention that the portrayal of Bruce Lee is inaccurate and insulting. I am disappointed that such a project would be funded and produced." Shannon

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eight /10

The Fight of the Century!

Bruce Lee(Philip Ng), is a legendary martial arts master. Quick, swift, efficient, and downright amazing in his art. However, a Buddhist monk named Wong Jack Man (Xia Yu), who traveled to San Francisco to challenge Lee. Wong came to San Francisco because Lee was instruction Kung Fu to non-Chinese. Bruce Lee was pedagogy this technique to them because he wants the anybody to know what the martial arts are like. Since martial arts are passed down from generation to generation, teaching outsiders was considered a violation. Bruce Lee fabricated that change. So when Lee and Wong battle it out, it was an all-out brawl. Only Wong wanted to keep it, simple. Though no absolute winner was declared, Lee's educatee Steve McKee(Bill Magnussen) made it personal for himself. I enjoyed the flick for myself. Rather light-headed than serious. The fighting in the scenes wasn't that bad. Though one graphic symbol was made upward, information technology was nice he was always to help out someone that he cared for. "Dragon, The Bruce Lee Story", is a starter for those who want to hear the story of his life. This 1 is like a starter for his way of transformation of Kung Fu. Good for a rainy solar day. 2 out of 5 stars.

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9 /10

This story takes place back in the 1900s, when Kato . . .

Warning: Spoilers

. . . was more famous for boot-battle every bit THE GREEN HORNET'south version of "Tonto" than for being O.J.'s house guest. The main point of Nascence OF THE DRAGON is that no matter how practiced you are at "one-inch punches," you cannot kill anybody (who doesn't already have a couple feet in the grave with Aortal Aneurysms, Encephalon Tumors, and the like) using the then-called martial arts. "In the Country of Kung Fu, any joker with a hunting knife or a .22 is King," as Kato later on told O.J. many times. Evidently, Mr. Heisman took this lesson to heart, and the balance is History. Though many viewers may detect BIRTH OF THE DRAGON to be trite, anticipated, and boring, I remember it deserves a rating of "ix" because information technology bears out so many of Our Leader Trump's Basic Truths. For instance, when "Wong Jack Man" steps off his slow boat from Prc at Sanctuary Urban center San Francisco, he's shown to exist in the middle of a Ocean of Totally Unvetted Illegal Aliens, thank you to Bleeding Center LBJ'due south lax "immigration" policies. Strange thugs such equally Nascency OF THE DRAGON'due south Auntie Blossom and Mr. Lo will NEVER become Unsafe Offense Lords under Leader Trump's Watch!

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7 /10

Decent film with engaging action.

I was at outset put off by the trailers of the film because the street alley scene and certain dialogue lines seemed cheesy without context, however in the progression of the total moving picture they play their part just fine.

In the idea that the "nascency of the dragon" was the transition from Bruce Lee's generic focus of Kung Fu and other martial arts into the consolidated uniform fine art of Jeet Kune Do, this movie highlighted the issue that sparked that transition in an entertaining way. Combining some historical information with an enticing cinematic focus, intertwined with some fictional inclusions of characters and story for the sake of making information technology an entertainment motion picture rather than direct informational documentary, I was satisfied overall with the viewing and observe that it paid decent homage to the retentiveness of Bruce Lee by showing a human element of imperfection during the beginning of his career.

Assuasive us to see into the information of his time before becoming a cultural icon was refreshing, and influenced me to read into Lee's history during those years and earlier. Over again, the film does include uses of fictional elements in guild to help propel the story in a standard acceptable for entertaining viewership, and every bit such does not convey an entirely true set of events, only a summary with cinematic filler.

I recommend seeing this film to run across what you lot think of information technology, and afterwards reading about the events around the conflict between Bruce Lee and Wong Jack Human yourself, every bit there are some interesting details to exist found.

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ane /10

Not actually a movie about Bruce Lee.....

I have no thought what I just watched, I idea this was supposed to be about Bruce Lee?

It somehow concluded up being most some random white guy with Bruce Lee as a flat, one-dimensional side grapheme.

I don't listen whitewashing that much, similar I understand it up to a certain point (gotta sell those tickets) but considering that this was supposed to exist a biopic of Bruce Lee I almost feel embarrassed for how far Hollywood decided to go in guild to avoid having an Asian main character.

What a massive disappointment, this movie was and so disrespectful to the memory of Bruce Lee. Rather than a biopic, Birth of the Dragon is more of a fantasy movie.

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1 /10

In response to vulcanism22

Commencement of all, this "review" is of the reviews here.

ane. I absolutely hold, 100% that Hollywood has bucked up once more.. and sadly, this time against Bruce Lee. Notwithstanding it doesn't surprise me.

2. When vulcanism22 said that Tao of Jeet Kun Practise was compiled posthumously, this is not true. The book was started in 1970 while Bruce was recovering from a back injury from doing a weight lifting do.. not "practise" and non during a fight. It was FINISHED posthumously and was done very well.

three. I don't mind writing a script to include a second main graphic symbol, but this is not a typical story. This is truly a legend nosotros are talking near. It's like writing a picture show well-nigh Elvis, but focusing on his bass player and calling it "The nascency of a Rex"

Hollywood truly does have it's own agendas. Yeah, I am a "truther"... I don't like to say conspiracy theorist because they have banded that term to hateful something it is not. They take forced society to view Conspiracy Theorist as existence a nutjob and to not be taken seriously. In that location are DOZENS of conspiracies that have turned out to exist truthful. You'd think that society, our ain American PEOPLE would stand up up for anything that'due south being told to them equally being a prevarication.

What's this got to practice with films? Everything. People are allowing the government and fifty-fifty Hollywood to lie to them repeatedly, and eat everything that'southward spoon-fed them. The time of our 'people' rising up and standing for truth and award is long gone.

I will watch this flick but I am sure I'll see it every bit most anybody here, as a sadly one sided, calendar pushing, spoon feeding ideology that doesn't exercise Bruce Lee justice. Yes, Bruce has his own demons and faults, I fifty-fifty as a true fan will not deny that, simply make no error, this is most definitely non going to be a film that speaks truth where it needs to.

**UPDATE** Watched this film finally. Well, partially. The biasness and extreme misrepresentation of Bruce was besides disgusting to finish the film. This was ridiculous. In that location has always been "Two sides" to this story, and while I side with Mr. Lee, information technology is due to many accounts I have listened to that spoke much honesty. Lee had an ego, but was not a total jerk like this, for 1. This motion picture looks like it was made 100% to back and defend Wong. Even the actor'southward face is screaming disgust in having to portray Bruce in this manner.

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v /10

Were the insulting reviews done equally a class project of hating whites?

It's but a movie, not a study of racism. 1 only has to look at the review dates and come across a lot were done within a few days as if it was a class project by snowflakes who are insulted by the fact that whites exhale the same air as they do. Faux intellects claiming whites insult Asians / Japanese who take a pitiful history, similar whites that included slavery and practices of racial superiority. What has that got to do with this motion picture? Really nuts to get phony intellect social study reviews by rabid hate mongers. Yeah, Hollywood makes a lot of junk that I would not use to hold my garbage. Merely this pic hardly merits the volumes of visceral hate lobbed against white people. The claim that Asians are not stars in Hollywood belittles the Asian customs of stars that have made it big in Hollywood. Some other meh popcorn picture show for a rainy day that will not be added to my collection.

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7 /10

I love surprises

I it dainty to watch a moving picture that you are curious about, without any expectations, and then exist very pleasantly surprised. I take to thank all the haters out there for making this experience fifty-fifty meliorate than it would have been. Without elaborating to much, this is a really nice, fun picture with a skillful solid cast and some great moments on the screen. By writing this review I wanted to restore a little balance into the mix, considering the bad reviews this flick has been getting. By just looking at this low rating I tin can tell a lot of people have missed the point of this movie, at least what I remember the point was. Past elaborating a little bit more, what happened hither was a example of taking a by unrecorded event and making a motion-picture show around information technology by making assumptions and filling in the blanks and thus creating something new. All I tin can say is that the crew make this process work pretty practiced. This motion-picture show doesn't give you lot a very accurate history lesson but it has a purpose non the less. A role of that purpose was to give us a little bit of a different version of Bruce Lee and his story. This movie didn't idealize him which in my opinion was a bang-up move because it made Bruce Lee seem like a more relatable person, flawed and a piddling immature at the fourth dimension. This movies statement was that he was a genius, talented, charismatic, just also probably a little cocky, big-headed and immature in his ancestry as a teacher. I'thousand not making assumptions on the authenticity of his grapheme but I like that this wasn't a typical hero that wins the day story. Just at the very stop information technology turns it around to give us the moral of the story which is in my stance the all-time part of the movie. When yous retrieve you know everything, life tells you otherwise. In summation I would definitely recommend this movie because it has a lot going for information technology. If cypher else, in that location is some dainty philosophy, plus some skillful martial fine art fights. Nearly chiefly, Bruce Lee remains a very absurd guy thanks to a great cast. A nice surprise.

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10 /ten

Bruce Lee's attempt to introduce Kung Fu to the West is opposed by the Principal of the Shaolin Monestary who believes that it is far more than a martial art.

I loved it. Profound, at times tragic, a bright depression upkeep film which will exist by and large eschewed past the masses whose hunger for big, noisy, meaningless caricature has been honed to a plumage edge by the powers that be, and the weather condition which are. Superb cinematography, splendid acting upwards and downwards the line, some dazzling fight scenes particularly the big ane, and a script, solidly structured, with some lines that brand you lot wish you'd brought a notebook to the theater. Most chiefly, the moving-picture show asks what is the purpose of life? This question is often asked by films, still the struggle to notice an answer has rarely been depicted with such precision. Cool and entertaining.

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7 /10

Old-schoolhouse Kung Fu fun

Warning: Spoilers

Grade: B

Rating: PG-thirteen, 91 minutes

In a nutshell: I love Red china, San Francisco, Kung Fu, and Bruce Lee. Put all of those things together and yous become this entertaining film directed by George Nolfi, who likewise directed the fun picture The Adjustment Agency.

While Birth of the Dragon is a fictional origin film, it'due south based on an event that supposedly occurred.

It's an imagining of what may have inspired Bruce Lee to develop his unique mode of martial arts.

Uplifting theme:

"Kung Fu is not a game, gentlemen. It is non a religion. It is about who lives and who dies." – Bruce Lee (Philip Ng) "Kung Fu is about cocky-field of study and self-discovery." – Wong Jack Man (Yu Xia) "Kung Fu does not reside in the fists, simply information technology resides in the soul." – Wong Jack Man Balance and harmony

Things I liked: Serious old-school Kung Fu fighting. ane inch punch. Ha ha A good amount of sense of humor. Great stunts and action. I take a Blackness Belt in Tae Kwon Do, only I was always pretty clumsy and bad-mannered, specially compared to all of the actors and stuntmen in this movie! I loved the flowing movement of Wong Jack Man'southward gold robes. Too it looking cool, it represented his inner dance for residue in his life. I've been to China twice and love their philosophy of chi and harmony in all things. If you liked this, you might like watching the 1973 Enter the Dragon (1973)

Things I didn't like: The movie makes Bruce Lee look really cocky. I can't stand fake flying in martial arts movies. Steve McKee (Billy Magnussen) has a much larger office in the film than he probably should, considering this movie is supposed to be about Bruce Lee.

Interesting lines:

"At present you have begun to exceed your limits." – Wong Jack Human "What limits?" – Bruce Lee "I was going to be a star, but I'd rather exist a fable." – Bruce Lee

Tips for parents: Some profanity. Lots of fighting! (Duh!) Discussion of prostitution. If you have a child who is taking some kind of martial arts lessons, you can indicate out the lessons learned in this movie about when to fight and how to do it with honour.



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1 /x

Worst movie I've always seen past far!

When the main casting and movie stars a white guy and the moving-picture show is suppose to exist almost Bruce Lee, there is something incorrect.

I still gave information technology a chance and watched the unabridged film. From a pure film perspective, it was horrible. The director and screen writers should never be able to work on any movies again.

At present lets get to the moving-picture show itself and all its controversy. This pathetic film is a prime case of white washing. The flick does non heart around the legendary Lee, just a white guy who I could intendance less about because I (and I'yard pretty sure all audiences) wanted the film to be about Bruce Lee! As a movie lover, I'm tired of seeing culturals whitewashed on film. If a movie is about a certain civilisation or around it'south hero, let the cast exist about that culture in ethnicity. In that location was no need to have this pathetic white character in this film. And of grade, we have the obvious white guy getting the ethnic daughter in the film, how original and talk virtually white men being insecure.

The action was pathetic and this was no where well-nigh the masterpiece, The Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story was back in the 90s.

I would have gave this motion picture a 0, simply ane(awful) was unfortunately the everyman grade I can give this pathetic film. Everyone involved, including the studio should exist embarrassed for this garbage and this volition go downward in history every bit one of the worst whitewashed films ever produced along with The Terminal Air Bender, Dragon Ball Z, and Aloha.

Practice NOT WATCH THIS TRASH Flick By ANY MEANS! WASTE OF Fourth dimension!

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x /10

Encounter for yourself

No amount of bad reviews were going to finish me at least giving a new Bruce Lee picture show a watch and I'm glad I did.

I keep reading the discussion 'biopic' in relation to this moving picture, non sure if that'due south how information technology was promoted or but what I picked up in reviews.

It isn't, the only parts of this picture that our based on reality is that there was a guy called Bruce who did martial arts. Information technology's documented that 1 fight in particular made Bruce Lee reflect on his fighting manner (as I'm sure all of his fights did) but the film is based around this idea, that this fight was the epiphany that inverse everything for Bruce and, the story, well its kind inspired by reality more than based on reality but I don't call up information technology actually pretends to be otherwise.

I of the oddities virtually the flick is that they took a well loved legend and kind of made him easy to dislike and whilst I could choose to take offence to this I decided instead that as much every bit he is an inspiration to me, I knew the guy probably as much as nearly of the reviewers on here... that'south to say I don't know him any more his screen persona and snippets of interviews and what I take read about his philosophy. Its again quite well documented that he could be short tempered and come up beyond every bit big-headed. He riled up many people when it came to speaking his listen and saying things how they were, especially in the martial arts world at the time. What I'thousand saying is, as far every bit I know this version of Bruce Lee could exist closer to the real affair than what I imagine. The makers made a dauntless selection showing him in the low-cal they have yet it does serve a purpose, that purpose existence the growth and alter of Bruce Lee from start to finish, as it serves the purpose of showing Bruce's Ying to Wong Jack Human'due south Yang... or is it the other way around.

Essentially the characters are mirror opposites of each other and whilst the Wong Jack Man in this film seems to take fiddling resemblance to the real life Wong, he gets pretty much the same corporeality of screen time as Bruce withal both characters are equally as engaging to watch, ane the serene Monk with a penance to pay, and Bruce the boastful showman.

The white guy... now equally far as I can make out, I take watched the newly re-edited version of the pic so this may differ somewhat from the original still in no way did he come beyond every bit the main character to me, he served equally the go between, more the vehicle betwixt Bruce and Wong, interlinking and going back and along between the two. To be honest he's a fairly weak character and he probably makes white people look stupid more than than he does have whatsoever attention away from the existent stars of the film.

Philip Ng... whether you liked this movie or not, whether you liked the script, this actor clearly put his eye and soul into this part. This is a larger than life, well-nigh caricature of Bruce Lee but I enjoyed every minute he was on screen, the self confidence oozes from him, his screen presence is incredible. He plays a version of Bruce which didn't feel like an fake to me merely the thespian's ain embodiment of the character and the action and use of Wing Chun and Bruce way move was fantastic to picket. The scene with the Karate guy is specially skillful impressive and I've re-watched several times.

If you actually want to learn virtually Bruce Lee read his books, watch the documentary'due south or the serial, Legend of Bruce Lee and just enjoy this for what information technology is. Damn entertaining!

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1 /10

Hollywood and Tradition equally the Root of Racism

Quotes by Bruce Lee - Large Boss (1971) Fist of Fury (1972) Way of the Dragon (1972) Enter the Dragon (1973)

"It is an unfortunate fact but nevertheless a cold fact that movie theatre is a marriage of business and art, in Hollywood or Hong Kong.

Many people are nonetheless spring by tradition; when the elderberry generation says 'no' to something, and so these other people will strongly disapprove of it too. If the elders say that something is wrong, and so they also will believe that it is wrong.

They seldom use their mind to find out the truth and seldom express sincerely their real feeling.

The simple truth is that these opinions on such things every bit racism are traditions, which are nothing more than than a "formula" laid down past these elder people's feel.

Every bit we progress and time changes, information technology is necessary to reform this formula."

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