
Afetr Swelling Fat Grows Facial Fat Tranfer Continue to Fill Out

10 Things to Know Before a Facial Fat Transfer

With today's technological advancements, cosmetic medicine makes correcting facial flaws easier. Though several treatments can make you look young and beautiful, a facial fat transfer is one of the best.

Facial fat transfer or fat grafting restores attractiveness by filling in cheek contours and adding volume at the chin and under the eyes. It employs excess fat harvested from a specific area on your body.

If you are considering a facial fat transfer, here are 10 things you should know.

1. A Great Alternative to Injectables

While BOTOX® and dermal fillers are excellent treatments for resolving lines and folds, a facial fat transfer uses no synthetic ingredients. It employs the natural fat from your body taken from the abdomen, thighs, or flank.

2. Older Patients Benefit More

Although a fat transfer is a fantastic procedure for all age groups, it benefits older people the most. Fat grafting resolves common signs of aging, like fine lines, furrows, wrinkles, marionette lines, and other natural flaws. It requires fewer treatments because the re-introduced fat cells thrive in their new location. You won't have to return for touch-up injections every few months or so.

3. Fat Injection Is Minimally Invasive

Facial fat grafting does not include incisions, which lets you avoid the risk of scarring. It also means a quicker recovery than a surgical facelift. While you may experience some swelling, it should resolve within a week. Most patients return to work soon after.

4. Donor Sites Are Plentiful

Many people find themselves with excess fat in one or more areas of their body, such as the thighs, buttocks, and abdomen. A fat transfer can provide a twofold benefit in making you look younger by helping get rid of a bit of this unwanted fat.

5. A Three-Step Process

Facial fat grafting takes about an hour. During this time, our cosmetic surgeon Dr. Lisa Donofrio will perform three steps:

  • Perform liposuction to extract fat.
  • Isolate and clean fat with centrifuge.
  • Inject fat cells into the treatment area.

After the treatment, you may experience lumps, bruises, or swelling. After two weeks, you should see these side effects subside.

6. It's More Expensive Than Injectables

While you will pay more upfront for a facial fat transfer treatment than a session of BOTOX®, JuvĂ©derm®, or Radiesse®, facial fat transfer grafts tissue that lives on after establishing a blood supply. Dermal fillers and BOTOX® are temporary solutions, which means you may eventually end up paying more over time for follow-up treatments to prolong your results.

A facial fat transfer is also much more affordable than its surgical counterparts.

7. Fat Transfer Offers Several Benefits

We've touched on a few above. But here are some other benefits of facial fat transfer:

  • Resolves problems with an aging face
  • Results last longer than injectables
  • Is an effective treatment against scarring or facial depressions in the skin
  • Presents a natural alternative to synthetic fillers and neuromodulators
  • Lower risk than surgery with mild side effects

During your consultation with Dr. Donofrio, you will be able to weigh the pros and cons of the procedure against other treatments.

8. There Are Also Disadvantages to Consider

No cosmetic correction is perfect. Each has its pros and cons. Here are some disadvantages of facial fat transfer:

  • Facial asymmetry after weight gain or uneven fat reabsorption
  • Longer recovery than injectables
  • Lumps may occur with superficial fat placement

9. Results Take Time

Facial fat transfer results take more time than injection to realize your outcome. The swelling may take a couple of weeks to subside. Also, not all fat will survive the transfer, and additional sessions may be necessary.

10. Fat Transfer Requires a Professional Touch

A facial fat transfer's success or failure ultimately comes down to your physician. It takes advanced skill and a deep understanding of facial anatomy and biology. When choosing a surgeon, make sure they are qualified with a good track record of satisfied patients.

Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Lisa Donofrio specializes in facial fat transfers and would love to talk with you.

Contact Aria DermSpa at 203-421-6674  to schedule your consultation  for a facial fat transfer in Madison, CT.


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