
Programmer Unable to Answer Easy Technical Interview Questions

The interview process can be challenging, to say the very least.

For software developers, you may find yourself spending the majority of your preparation time studying technical interview questions. However, many developers actually fall short earlier on with interview questions asked universally.

These non-technical interview questions often seem too simple to worry about, but they can be the reason for missing a lucrative opportunity. After all, more and more teams want someone that'll be a great addition to the team and culture, not just with hard skills but with soft skills, as well.

So, focusing on the non-technical part can certainly be as important as skill tests, take-home projects, and other technical assessments.

Below, we have 15 of the most common interview questions of the non-technical variety asked during the initial phases of a software developer job hiring process. Learn what the interviewer really wants to know and how to best answer to make a great, lasting first impression.

As a bonus, our Head of Developer Relations, David Roberts, recorded some helpful videos on specific interview questions and how to answer them below!

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1. Tell me about yourself

In this video, David Roberts, our Head of Developer Relations, explains how to answer the "tell me about yourself" interview question best.

Many hiring managers and recruiters like to open the discussion with this introductory interview question. When you answer this question, you want to make it a short story, one which hopefully leads you to where you are today.

As David explains:

We want to appear conversational, but we have to be mindful not to talk about irrelevant topics. We need to make sure that we're being concise and continually moving the story on. So how do we craft our story?

So then, for each of these stages, we have to progress the story, so let's start setting the scene. So this is your journey into tech. We want to set the scene as quickly as possible, and then arrive at that trigger moment. A bit of backstory is nice telling the interviewer the type of person you are, but it all leads to this point where the spark was generated. Ignition time. Without it, there's no direction, and hiring without direction is practically unheard of. An employer wants to know that this is the career path you've chosen. You're not being dragged somewhere. So it helps that you've made this decision on your own. And that's obvious.

So maybe this spark was there all along. You were always obsessed with coding and computers, or maybe you lost a job and then discovered this. Maybe someone introduced it to you, but there has to be a spark moment. Maybe it was, you started out in frontend development then discovered backend development or move from backend development into DevOps. Again, there does have to be a moment. And that moment is when you decided to pursue this as a career, and hopefully this matches the job you're applying for.

So after that initial spark, we're talking about the journey. And this might sound like the dull part, but it should be anything but dull. This is about what you did with that spark. So what have you been doing in all of your jobs after that spark moment? How did you get to this point in time right now? So you can start listing things you've created, things you've been learning, what's been inspiring you along the way.

You need to be spelling out your evolution. If you're a new developer or you're well-seasoned, even if it's a side project, what did you learn from it? What did you gain? And how are you applying it now? Where did it take you? Well, hopefully that's what brought you here.

This brings us to the conclusion – the developer you are today. Now this is not just merely a statement of fact. You want to, in some way, continue the journey, or you want them to be interested in being part of that journey going forward.

If you have several job experiences in the same domain, which is common for more experienced developers, mention the most important ones without making it too long or boring for the interviewer.

2. Why did you leave your previous job?

Or, for people who haven't left yet: "Why do you want to leave your current position?"

These are a few more common but tricky interview questions, and they can easily put you on the wrong foot.  Answering this question in a negative light is never a good choice.

Just like other interview mistakes, portraying a negative image of your current or previous employer can negatively impact their impression of you. Even if you have nothing good to say about your last job, try to give an answer with a positive spin.

Example: I am looking for opportunities that will both allow me to do what I'm good at, which is back-end development, but also give me the opportunity to grow in and learn the latest technologies. I'm particularly interested in blockchain and machine learning, and, unfortunately, I didn't see that company ever enabling me to do that. But here, at your company, I feel I could really have a chance to develop new programming skills while still being able to be a valuable asset with my current expertise.

3. What are your strengths?

Alternatively: "What is your greatest strength?"

If the HR manager or recruiter asks you soft skills interview questions like these, it is time for some self-marketing. Make a point to highlight your suitability for the job. Make a list of the strengths you'd like to portray by preparing a short list in advance.

Instead of many, focus on one or two strengths that fit best with the job description. Include how you've applied those strengths in your past jobs to become a better developer, show leadership skills, or simply be a great member to have on the team.

Example: I like to think one of my greatest strengths is that I am a good teambuilder. In my last job, we were entering the final stages of a project one night, but feeling a bit done with the whole thing and just discouraged. Though I was also feeling similarly, I tried not to let it show. Instead, I put a smile on one evening as we were heading out and convinced the entire team to head out together for dinner. We ended up having a great time that night, a true bonding session. The next day and ever since, we all just get along, have more energy, and generally work better together.

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4. What are your weaknesses?

Alternatively: "What is your biggest weakness?"

If you were asked the previous interview question, you'll undoubtedly get this one, as well. Keep in mind that the hiring manager is not only expecting an answer that will explain your weakness, but also how you overcame it.

Pick your answer carefully, making sure that it isn't too negative. Being more critical of your own work, taking up your share (or more) of the responsibility, or simply acknowledging how hindsight has helped you improve – these can serve as good answers to this tough interview question.

Example: I guess I'd have to say one of my weaknesses relates to having less-than-optimal time management skills. I have this tendency to always try to find one more thing to fix before pushing something to production, which delayed the release of one of my first projects. But, that instance served as a good wake-up call, and I try to follow the mantra now that "done is better than perfect." I have made it a point to note everything I would like to change and fix them instantly, instead of leaving them to be fixed at the end. And, if it doesn't make it, we can schedule it for the next release (unless it's too urgent and important now).

5. Why do you want this job?

If you've just been asked "why do you want to work here?", then it's time to step back and think. Why are they hiring? What do they need? Your job is to figure out the skills or capacity gap that they're seeking to solve — and be the solution to filling it! Watch this video to learn how to give a great answer to this common question asked at interviews.

Alternatively: "Why do you want to work at this company?"

The purpose of these common non-technical interview questions is to find out how aware you are of the company and the job profile. They want to know you've done your homework, essentially. One of the biggest complaints of hiring managers is that many candidates have very little knowledge (or sometimes even none whatsoever) about the company they are interviewing for.

Do some research. Learn a bit about the company's history, the founders, the mission statement, and where the company wants to be in the future. Then, use this knowledge in your response. Perhaps you're a good fit because the company's mission statement resembles your own personal values. Or, maybe you make the ideal candidate because you know you'd be best able to help the company get where they want to be over the next few years.

Example: I applied at several jobs, but, I must say, this is the one that interested me most. The company's commitment to inclusion and diversity is really inspiring. While many startups and corporations are vowing to become more inclusive and diverse, this one actually follows through. Based on your about page, I clearly see a diverse representation of women and people of color on your engineering team, and I'd be very honored to be a part of that!

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6. What was the best thing about your last job?

Alternatively: "What did you like most about your previous company?"

These are common interview questions asked of any job candidate, and the answers they elicit can be tricky, perhaps even making you trip over your own words.

As we said before, don't show any negativity here! You certainly don't want to say there was nothing great about your previous company. They want to see positivity. Give an answer that is truly thoughtful, while also being mindful that this new company might also be able to provide a similar experience.

Example: I guess my favorite thing about my previous company was their commitment to seeing each of their employees grow professionally. On our engineering team, for example, we were given a monthly budget to use towards improving our skills. And, it really felt as if they wanted us to use it, as they'd send a reminder near the deadline each month to go purchase our books, online courses, or industry event tickets. From what I've read about this company, I see some similarities, and it looks like your HR team really tries to help the employees grow, as well.

Read More: How to Stay Motivated at Work: 10 Effective Tips for Remote Developers

7. What things about your last job did you hate?

Alternatively: "What did you like least about your previous role?"

These seemingly 'negative' interview questions are best answered in a positive way. While answering, don't knock the company, your colleagues, or the management, at least straight on. They don't want to witness bitterness on your end.

Instead, find something more neutral, particularly something this prospective company might be able to offer.

Example: While I wouldn't use the term 'hate' to describe this, I did find the micromanagement to be challenging. What I liked about your company's job description in particular was the emphasis on autonomy and results over time spent at the keyboard. I believe I thrive in this kind of environment, and I'm eager to prove that.

8. What are your career goals?

The primary objective of this job interview question is to assess whether your professional objectives match what the company can offer. This will help the hiring team to understand what is most important to you in your career, and if they can count on you being a long-term employee.

So, in your interview answer, include goals that apply to the current job. Jump over any short-term goals, as they're usually not so ambitious or extraordinary, and speak of mid-term and long-term goals. Your interviewer wants to know they're hiring someone who'll stick around, meaning don't start talking about your entrepreneurial ambitions, either.

Example: My career goal is to eventually become a tech lead. I'd love to one day lead my own team, while mentoring my team members on what I know and have learned over the years. To get there, I definitely need to work more on my leadership skills, but I do think I have the communication skills and project management abilities necessary for a future leadership position on an engineering team.

9. Where do you see yourself in the next five years?

This is a standard question often asked in software developer interviews, sometimes as a replacement to the previous question, or sometimes to drill down further. It is directed to understand if you will be a good fit for the position.

Follow the same advice from the last interview question, of course being mindful of the 5-year mark in particular.

Example: I am passionate about working as a software developer and making a lifelong career out of it. In the next five years, I hope to learn more about back-end development to allow me to become a well-rounded full-stack engineer.

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10. Why should we hire you?

If you've just been asked why the company should hire you, then it's time to step back and think. Why are they hiring? What do they need? Your job is to figure out the skills or capacity gap that they're seeking to solve — and be the solution to filling it! Here's David on how to give a great answer to this common interview question.

It is obvious that there are many candidates competing for the same position. This question is targeted to find out your USPs for the particular job and how you differentiate yourself from others.

Your answer to this commonly asked interview question should unabashedly highlight why you are the best candidate for the position. Along with technical knowledge also include other non-technical info to make your claim stronger. Here is an example:

Example: I am an expert in Python and R. So, I have the exact technical skills the company is looking for. I also hold experience as a team leader, which is an essential requirement for this job. I am always willing to learn new skills which makes me an ideal choice for different projects that might come up in the future. My ability to deliver even under pressure is what makes me stand out.

11. How many years do you plan to work with us?

Employee retention is a challenge for every HR manager. So, this question can always pop up during your interview. You should not put an exact number to the answer. Do not add any info that might make the recruiter feel that you will not be working with the company in the long term.

Example: I am looking for stability in my career and I applied for this position specifically because it offers a long-term opportunity. I have gone through your company profile, and I am aware of your employee-supportive culture. I also believe that I will get the maximum opportunity to improve my skills and apply my knowledge working with your organization. So, I am considering this job as a long-term association.

12. What is your ideal work environment?

Teamwork and collaboration between different departments play a significant role in the successful completion of projects. Interview questions like this are asked particularly to know where you stand when it comes to working as a team.

Your answer should make it clear that you are comfortable working in a collaborative environment. Explain your work process and how it helps in teamwork.

Example:I believe the best results can be achieved through teamwork. So, I follow a work process that supports easy collaboration between team members even if I am working remotely. I use different tools (mention the names of a few) to ensure better communication.

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13. How will you handle a situation where you are sure your manager is wrong?

This common interview question highlights a practical situation that you might face during your job. Keep in mind your answer should not portray any negative emotions, rather it should display a professional approach to best solve the problem amicably.

Example: I will discuss my point with my manager in a private, one-to-one session. The discussion will help both of us to understand the different views we hold. It will help us to reach a conclusion that is best for the project.

14. Tell me about a time when you got into a conflict with a coworker. How did you solve it?

Getting into a conflict with a coworker is not uncommon. An argument during a telephonic discussion or a disagreement over email can be considered as a conflict. Your answer to interview questions like this one should explain the situation on a positive note.

Example: In my last job, I had an argument with the tech team representative regarding some system issues that were not resolved even after days. We both handled the situation patiently and after a thorough discussion, we arrived at a solution that worked for both of us. [Explain the solution in more detail.]

15. Do you have any questions for me?

It is often the last question before wrapping up an interview, but you don't necessarily have to wait for their prompt. What you DO have to do is make sure to ask something, anything at all.

Ask your interviewer details regarding the role, where the company is headed, how they like working there, and any other questions you might have in your mind regarding the position and the company. These questions help demonstrate your interest in the position, but make sure not to ask something easily answered on the company's website — that'll just show them you couldn't be bothered to do simple research!

There are more strategic questions to ask the interviewer to reveal essential details about your prospective job, company, role, and team.

Example: What type of growth opportunities can I expect on the engineering team? Can you tell me in a bit more detail about the team I will be a part of? Why is this position open?

Read More: How to REALLY Get a Job as a Self-Taught Developer

Wrapping Up Common, Non-Technical Interview Questions

Now that you know the most common non-technical questions asked in interviews for software developer jobs, prepare to put your best foot forward. Stay honest with your answers, and always add a positive spin. And, whether you're a seasoned developer or college grad wondering how to get into the software engineering field, remember to practice, practice, practice!

Don't forget to write a thank you email to your interviewer once the interview is over. This will help make sure they keep you top of mind while also strengthening a personal connection with the hiring team.

Got any other important interview questions to ask, or tips on how to answer tough questions at interviews? Let us know below in the comments, and thanks for reading!

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